Batemans Bay Public School

Respect Responsibility Kindness

Telephone02 4472 4059

Student Representative Council

What is Student Representative Council?

Student Representative Council is a student-based civic organisation designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students.

Students participating in the SRC will maintain a high standard of personal conduct.  SRC members will demonstrate leadership qualities by serving as good examples of behaviour through their words and actions.

All SRC members will be expected to participate in approved activities, which will serve to enhance the quality of both the physical and behaviour environment of the school.

The purpose of student council is:

  1. To develop positive attitudes and to practice good citizenship.

  2. To promote harmonious relations throughout the entire school.

  3. To improve student/faculty relationships.

  4. To improve school morale and general welfare.

  5. To provide a forum for student expression.

  6. To plan special events or projects.

Benefits of being involved in student council include: opportunity to improve reading and writing skills, gain experience in public speaking, and learn how to make a positive impact on school and community environment.  In addition, student council serves as a chance to meet new friends and work with a wide variety of people.

Objectives of the SRC are to:

  1. Provide a democratic form in which students can address those school related issues, which affect their lives.

  2. Maintain open communication between students and school staff.

  3. Train students in the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship.

Students must be very responsible students who are willing to work hard.   As SRC members you will be called to serve other students by representing their issues.  The council does not have the power to change policies, only to voice student opinion.

The SRC will be involved in many community minded projects.

  1. School service:  Clean up, school fundraisers.

  2. Community service:  National fundraisers, recycling projects

  3. Student opinion polls, student council newsletter articles, etc.

Your willingness to donate your time and talents will determine the success of SRC at Batemans Bay Public School.

Responsibilities of Representative

The duties of the representative are to embody the council's efforts to be the student voice.  Representatives must develop a dialog between students and the SRC.


  • Report SRC activities to student body on a regular basis.

  • Present, as fairly as possible, students' ideas and concerns to the council.

  • Attend all student council functions. (Fundraisers, ceremonies, etc.)

  • Make special effort to inform students about upcoming SRC projects and activities.

  • Encourage non-members of the SRC to participate in projects and activities.

  • Be active in SRC meetings.

  • Report any problems to advisors before they develop into major issues.

  • Respect all faculty and administration.

  • Seek the opinions of teachers on various issues.

  • Display appropriate Batemans Bay Public School behaviour.