When to enrol in Preschool
If your child turns four on or before 31 July and will be attending Kindergarten the following year, you may apply enrol your child in preschool for that year.
Please click here to download an Expression of Interest Application.
The applicaton can be returned via email to batemansba-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au or to our school front office.
Mundarra Preschool accepts expression of interest applications and develops a wait list from the beginning of Term 2, the year before the child starts preschool. Offers to attend the preschool will be made Mid Term 3. Spaces may still be available through Term 4 so please give us a call to confirm.
When the number of applications exceeds availability, Children will go on a waiting list. The school's placement panel will consider and prioritise these applications.
Priority is given to children from disadvantaged backgrounds who are unable to access other children's services, in particular, families experiencing financial hardship and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
What do I need to provide to enrol at Preschool?
Documentation regarding immunisation must be supplied, Proof of Birth and Proof of Address.
Contact us if you require any further information on 4472 4059 or batemansba-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au